
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Vegetable Latkes

Vegetable Latkes
Made every year and served with applesauce and sour cream. You can add in grated carrots, zucchini and sweet potatoes. I like to cook the onions first in a bit of oil to caramelize them up. And I have been known to add a sprinkle of raz el hanout or cumin or coriander and a hint of cayenne pepper. Below is the portions and ratios, substitutions always add a twist.


3 pounds russet (baking) or Yukon Gold potatoes 2 large egg, beaten
1 medium onion
2 scallions minced use white and green part

2 Teaspoons raz el hanout
Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste Olive oil for frying


Using a grater or a food processor coarsely grate the potatoes and onions. Put the potatoes and zucchini in a dish towel and squeeze out all the water over a bowl. If you see the potato starch will settle to the bottom, save that and incorporate it back in.

Mix the potato and onion with the potato starch. Add the scallions, egg, and salt and pepper.

Heat a heavy bottom or cast iron skillet and add about 4 tablespoons olive oil. Take about 2 tablespoons of the potato mixture on the griddle, flatten with a large spatula, and fry for a few minutes until golden. Flip the pancake over and brown the other side. Keep warm in the oven until time to serve. This makes about 20 Latkes .

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