
Martha's Vineyard Catering, Culinary & Agricultural Experiences

Battle in the aisles...

Between BPA's in canned foods and plastic food containers and pesticides on our fruits and veggies, synthetic vitamins being added to just about anything processed, artificial this that and the other thing (taking a breath), what is a cook to do?I feel like I'm armed to the max when I go to the grocery store.  It's more about defense than offense.  Aisles must be tackled and conquered with hope for few (or no) casualties along the way - and certainly none of them from my family!Labels must be read, analyzed and deciphered.  If I don't know what it is -- fughedaboutit.  Never heard of it?  Probably not good for you or it is a chemically-derived substitute for something that is good for you in its natural form.  Or not.Little conversations happen constantly in my head as I shop.  Some make sense.  Some are just my mind trying to rationalize my need to eat healthy along with my inherent need to rebel:

  • "what is dextrose? - isn't that some form of sugar?"
  • "I'm craving this so bad, but it's got corn syrup in it, maybe I can make it with honey?  But I don't want to make it myself..." (this last is sometimes heard in my head as a whine)
  • "I think if I drink lots of kombucha, it will cancel out the gluten in this bagel (my own theory) - and wait, I'm using 'cultured cream cheese' - all the better!"
  • "if I can't buy it because it is in a can and I can't buy it because it is in plastic... aw hell!"

Come on!!!  A family has got to eat folks.In my house:

  1. Meat & Potatoes Husband ("grunt, grunt")
  2. Teenager (eating like he will never stop growing - will he?)
  3. Me (no comment)

The trick is the balance.  Enough of the good stuff on a regular basis and anything else in moderation is okay in between (that's my rule - you're welcome to follow it too if you desire).My other rule which I apply depending on my mood is "When In Rome..."   Applying this rule has to be monitored carefully as it sometimes results in overdoing it (living like a Roman I mean) AND/OR some uncomfortable digestive annoyances which then disrupt sleep patterns which then create a cranky Sheryl and so...We love our desserts and breads.  I did say "WE" as I include myself.  But, I certainly draw the line on processed -- As a kid, I had my fill of Hostess, Drake's, Little Debbie, Dunkin' Donuts (even worked there in High School - oh yeah...), as well as Duncan Hines, Pepperidge Farm, Betty Crocker, need I go on?If it is from a box, I do set strict limits - "realistic strict limits".  Even I can't say 'no' to a brownie made from a box once in a while...Luckily, I do have access to some wonderful local food sources:

  • my backyard summer supply of mint (Mojito anyone?)
  • 'down-the-pathway-to the-community-garden'
  • a couple of favorite farm stands:  Fiddlehead Farm, Morning Glory Farm
  • bakeries - Scottish Bakehouse, Pain D'Avignon, Rickards

This year, we are participating in a Meat CSA with The Farm Institute.  They are sourcing meats from organic farms in Massachusetts as well as providing their own raised poultry.  Their chickens are slaughtered and processed on site - I've seen it.  Let's just say that I'm a carnivore appreciating the sacrifice for my dinner, that's for sure.The supermarket offers all the usual fare, but also some organic choices and I know I can find anything else on trips off-island when I get to go to that Great Mecca of Organic Selection known as Whole Foods Market.The Bottom Line:In order to truly know that I am providing my family and guests with the most nutritious good foods possible is to use as much local produce and products I can.I really do rely on my favorite farm stand owners to make some choices for me and provide the selection.  It's like a "food boutique" - someone has gone through the pains and research to find these hidden sources of good food.  Both local selections and more exotic choices are at my fingertips just waiting to be combined into some fabulous spread for my dinner table...Although I know that the battle in the aisles will continue, my part in the battle will not be for nothing!  No BPA, synthetic vitamin, pesticide or other food enemy is going to crash my dinner party.Join our journey to discover what is in our food!  Are you curious about a certain food product?  Do you have a favorite product you can share with us?  A company with good practices both health & eco-wise?What is welcome OR not welcome at your dinner party? SHARE THE STORYImage Credit:  camkage