Living With Alpha Gal

Living With Alpha Gal - Some Resources

Apha-Gal is serious and not only life threatening, it is not fun changing your diet if you love dairy and meat. I have found that duck and goose are a welcomed meal. And I am learning to live with changing my diet. Below I am attaching documents to learn more

Chicken, Eggs, Ducks, Shellfish, Fish and Loads of Veggies is the Aplpha-gal Diet!.

I get a bit discouraged over the cheese alternatives, but if you’re desperate, the brands above can be found in most grocery stores. I do like the Myokos Cultured Butter. I find that it doesn’t take long to adapt recipes to be dairy free. I am gluten free and also limit beans, so some days I feel particularly limited in my options. But eggs everyway: devlied, scrambled, frittata, soft boiled and egg salad are all great go-to meals for me. And I have fallen in love with DUCK! You can get both duck, duck liver and good chicken from White Oak Pastures. See below, And there is oysters, scallops and fish! Some folks have said they have slowly reintroduced dairy back into their lives, but I know Trudy Taylor was never able to eat meat again and she lived with Alpha- Gal for many many years, before we knew much about it. So hand in there and share your recipes.

Check out: 

 White Oak Pastures, because I know them and their products. And I do see that they sell their products to Whole Foods- so there is hope!
White Oak Pastures have a program I can get behind. 

They have a holistic grazing program for their 100,000 animals that are raised on a 5000 acre regenerative farm.  

Regenerative farming practices that rebuild soil and mitigate climate change and may just save our planet. On their values page, I found this quote: If there was ever a time to know your farmer, it is now. There's never been more focus on the supply chain than there is right now…” so do your homework and  decide who you want to support, and what you want to eat!

Or ask your farmer how the animals are raised:
Here is hope North Tabor Farms responded to my questions:

The breed of chicken we grow is imperial broilers. They are bred for flavor and texture with more dark meat. They are more like a real chicken that can walk (breast natural not too big) They are raised on organic grain and pastured on  grass- we move them every couple of days .  We buy the grain from Lakeview organic and I can send you a breakdown of the % of each grain.

I love full transparency and I love the conversations. I encourage you to keep asking!


I find over all the Miyoko’s Creamery has great organic products.


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